Gharbaar is a real-estate platform made for buying and selling property.
It consists of a mobile and desktop application through which users can list their property.
User Personas
Gharbaar Mobile App
User Interface design
Version 1 | First Deployment
Why this didn't work
After conducting a usability test, we realized there was a significant drop-off rate on the signup screen because user's were asked to add too much information such as name, email-address and phone numbers.
To counter that, I simplified the signup screen and user's were only required to add their phone number and a generated OTP.
The second reason is that there are too many mandatory input fields. Most user's would exit the form once they add the first few text fields.
Version 2.0 | Second deployment
Why this worked
User retention increased by 40%
This is because the onboarding process has been simplified and only a few input fields are shown in the first few screens including phone number, location, city area and subtype, whereas in the previous version, user's were asked to input too many details.
Web Design
IMSĀ  | Internal sales management system

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